Deprogramme With Archetypes Coaching
You We have a long standing habit of suppressing our feelings. We’ve learned to suppress so strongly that it almost feels like an instinct, but it’s not. It’s more like an ingrained habit.
By learning to recognise that sensation of holding on to something in your system, which is energy that’s usually trapped in your body, you can release it.
And if you’re having a hard time thinking it through that’s because IT’S NOT A THOUGHT PROCESS.
Your thoughts may be where you start in the process, but they’re not going to take you through it. So you’re always going to be looking for the feelings about the thoughts, and the program that operates underneath the thoughts and the emotions, that you’ll find somewhere in your body.
So if you find yourself spinning or looping or going back and forth trying to think it through, bring your awareness into your flesh and your bones. Your body doesn’t actually speaks; it drums!

Become A Pattern Hunter
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Welcome The Unwanted
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The Root Programmes

Onging Support
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My Approach
Action planning: Career coaching involves creating a step-by-step action plan that outlines the necessary steps to achieve the individual’s career goals. This includes identifying potential obstacles and developing strategies to overcome them, as well as setting timelines and benchmarks to measure progress.
Deprogram With Archetypes
Deprogramming simply means releasing the energy that is trapped in your body. You are meeting your inner self with complete honesty in order to find the programmes that run in your unconscious, which are ready to be let go of. You are stripping the scaffolding of the ego of its embellishments to find true freedom.
Direct Your Life
On your Hero’s Journey you will know how to turn shadows into gifts whilst working with archetypes. Feeling Overwhelmed? Confused? Unaligned/out of alignement? Stuck?Suffering from burnout? You lost the purpose in your life? Is your mind restless all the time?
Conscious Leadership
Conscious leadership is what happens when we are bold enough to challenge and nurture deep and radical awareness in ourselves. When we focus on our own transformational inner work, we shift the way we see ourselves, others and the world. We lead in a way that has heart, creativity, clarity and conviction, and that has profoundly positive impact on the world at large.
HD Projector Specific
Wouldn’t it be nice to take advantage of certain shifts Within Your Life Over The Next 12 Months?
Language Coaching
Action planning: Career coaching involves creating a step-by-step action plan that outlines the necessary steps to achieve the individual’s career goals. This includes identifying potential obstacles and developing strategies to overcome them, as well as setting timelines and benchmarks to measure progress.
Personal Coaching
It’s a space for you to feel seen, heard, and understood. It’s a space for you to lean in, be held, and be held accountable. And it’s a space that welcomes all of you –the light, the shadows, and the darkness.
Take the First Step